Five Fifty Fifty
Run/Walk Series
For Mental Health

April 26 - June 14, 2025
April 26 - Anchorage, AK
May 10 - Dearborn, MI
June 14 - Hartland, WI

via Run Sign Up

The Five Fifty Fifty Run/Walk for Mental Health Series is a five kilometer run/walk that occurs in each of the fifty U.S. states over fifty consecutive days.

The series supports the AB Korkor Foundation’s mission to make the world a better place for those suffering from ill mental health. Funds raised through this flagship event are utilized to:

  • Increase awareness of ill mental health
  • Reduce stigma
  • Address the shortage of affordable care
  • Emphasize the importance of physical exercise and emotional wellness in maintaining mental health
  • Fund research
  • Focus on under served communities such as veterans, minorities and those suffering from addiction

Interested In Sponsoring?

We would like to thank our corporate race partners for making this journey across the United States possible. If you or your organization are interested in becoming one of our sponsors, please click on the button to download a sponsor sheet with more information. We truly appreciate your consideration and your willingness to help support those suffering from ill mental health.
You're Not Alone: The story of the Five Fifty Fifty

You're Not Alone:
The story of the Five Fifty Fifty

The documentary was filmed during the 2018 and 2019 Five Fifty Fifty Run/Walk Series for Mental Health.  The film touches on the need for parity between mental and physical health care, how the 5.50.50 was started and why you are not alone.
