At the AB Korkor Foundation for Mental Health we pride ourselves in how we distribute our resources.  We look for traditional and innovative ways to help all people who struggle from ill mental health.  Please take a look at how we are currently helping and if you have an opportunity for us, don’t hesitate to reach out.

Improving access to affordable mental healthcare

Scholarships for mental health education and certification to Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistants.

Supporting Suicide Prevention

Through providing access to peer support Hope Squads in middle schools and high schools.

Providing Mental Health Education

Mental health webinars available free to the public.

Sponsoring Mental Health Literacy

College Education program incorporated in all health care discipline college curriculums. (Carroll University, Waukesha)

Funding Early Detection and Behavioral Health Treatment

Penfield Children’s Clinic (Milwaukee, Wisconsin) and Marquette University’s Applied Behavior Analysis program.

Support Mental Health Services for Unrepresented Communities

Supporting Mental Health For Displaced Individuals, Frontline and Essential Workers and Refugees (Acute Trauma Assessment and Intervention).

Backing Creative Strategies to Discuss Mental Wellness

ART with Impact brings stigma to its knees by introducing mental health topics to college campuses through film, theater, music and poetry.

Assisting New Ways to Talk About Feelings While Respecting Culture

Yalla! Let’s Talk provides opportunities for Arab-identifying millennials and Gen Z youth to share and talk in a variety of formats, from anywhere in the world.

Finding Multiple Ways to Reach Out and Talk About Depression

Giving Voice to Depression Podcasts and social media bring everyday people together to share experiences and offer their support, now under the ABKF umbrella.

Help Other Mental Health Organizations

Supporting and partnering with mental health organizations.
