Webinar Wednesdays

Kate Milligan

Empowering Women
Through Stories:
The Mission of
1 Girl Revolution

Kate Milligan, Founder of 1 Girl Revolution
February 24, 2025
Mental Health in Our Judicial and Legal Systems - Mental Health Webinar - AB Korkor Foundation

Mental Health in Our
Judicial and Legal Systems

Alexandria J Hughes, Mental Health & Criminal justice Organizer/Activist

Wesam Shahed, Esq., Assistant State’s Attorney at the Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office (CCSAO)
January 26, 2023

Christina Leonatti ABKF Webinar

Strength Training for Mental Health

Christina Leonatti, Powerlifter and Founder of Pull Your Heart Out
August 16, 2022

Social Media and Mental Health - Yasmine Al-Bustami

Social Media and Mental Health

Yasmine Al-Bustami, actress
December 22, 2021

Food as Medicine

Food As Medicine

Blanche Shaheen, cooking show host, cookbook author and food columnist
Reed Dohmen, Vice President of Corporate Development, The Dohmen Company
December 14, 2021

Food for the Soul - Blanche Shaheen - Mental Health Webinar

Food for the Soul

Blanche Shaheen, cooking show host, cookbook author and food columnist
December 14, 2021

Special Needs Trusts - Terry Campbell - Mental Health Webinar

Special Needs Trusts

Terry L. Campbell, Attorney
September 2, 2021

How To Reduce Tax Season Anxiety - Acker Behl Accounting - Mental Health Webinar

How To Reduce Tax Season Anxiety

Julie Acker, CPA and Karen Behl, CPA
February 15, 2021

Advanced Directives and Living Will - Terry Campbell - Mental Health Webinar

Advanced Directives and Living Will
(Advanced Life Planning)

Terry L. Campbell, Attorney
January 13, 2021

Worry Free Investing - Robert LaGrant - Mental Health Webinar

Worry Free Investing:
Ways to Decrease the Level of Stress
and Anxiety Associated with Investing

Robert S. LaGrant, CFP
December 16, 2020

Neuroscience of Failure: A Proxy for Mental Health - Mohammad Herzallah - Mental Health Webinar

The Neuroscience of Failure:
A Proxy for Mental Health

Mohammad M. Herzallah, M.D., Ph.D.
November 18, 2020

Avoiding Stress and Anxiety Around Holiday Spending - Andy Saeger - Mental Health Webinar

Avoiding the Stress and Anxiety
Associated with Holiday Spending
and Budgeting

Andy Saeger, CFP, AAMS, AWMA
November 11, 2020

Critical Importance of Mental Health First Response in Acute Psychological Trauma - Essam Daod - Mental Health Webinar

The Critical Importance of
Mental Health First Response
in Acute Psychological Trauma

Essam Daod, M.D.
October 14, 2020

My Mental Health Story

My Journey to Giving Voice to Depression - Terry McGuire - Mental Health Webinar

My Journey To
Giving Voice To Depression

Terry McGuire
October 8, 2021

In The Right Seat - Billy Dorsey, Jr. - Mental Health Webinar

In The Right Seat

Billy Dorsey
September 16, 2020

Asian American's Story with Mental Health - Claire Yu - Mental Health Webinar

An Asian American's Story
With Mental Health:
The Challenges Associated
Wtih Cultural Ethnicity

Claire Yu
August 19, 2020

Rachel Bugenhagen Webinar


Rachel Bugenhagen
June 14, 2020

Dealing with the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic
on children and youth. A guide for parents and families

Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Children and Families - Courtney Clark - Mental Health Webinar

The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic
on Children and Families:
Practical Strategies for Caregivers

Courtney Clark, M.S., LPC
July 22, 2020

Understanding the Effects of COVID-19 on Children - Alan Burkard - Mental Health Webinar

Understanding the Effects of COVID-19
on Children and How They Cope

Alan Burkard, Ph.D.
July 15, 2020

Strategies for Physical and Emotional Wellness
During the COVID-19 Pandemic and Beyond Webinar Series

Resiliene Training and Mindfulness in Everyday Life - Nick Wignall - Mental Health Webinar

Resilience Training and
Mindfulness in Everyday Life

Nick Wignall, Ph.D.
June 3, 2020

Strategies to Deal with Isolation and Despair - Barbara Moser - Mental Health Webinar

Strategies to Deal with
Social Isolation and Despair

Barbara Moser, M.D.
June 1, 2020

Strategies to Deal with and Avoid Depression, Anxiety, Domestic Violence and Addiction - Jon Lehrmann - Mental Health Webinar

Strategies to Deal with and Avoid
Depression, Anxiety, Domestic Violence
and Addiction

Jon Lehrmann, M.D.
May 29, 2020

Exercise Strategies that can Change your Mood and Improve Your Health - John Bartholomew - Mental Health Webinar

Exercise Strategies that can Change
Your Mood and Improve Your Health

John B. Bartholomew, Ph.D.
May 27, 2020
